Work With Us Today

Our team has developed fast systems and easy resources to help you launch your website and start killing it online.

Chris Nadeau - Owner & Founder

A former pro hockey player, with a rare ability to talk tech in plain English – to the relief of customers everywhere. Chris is as passionate about websites as he is about helping the business community realize their potential online & he’s happy to assist YOU.

Jodi Nadeau - Thank You Officer

A multi-talented marketer, Jodi is whatever and whoever you need her to be. As a former entrepreneur with experience that spans almost every work environment, she is ever-ready to take on any challenges Evolving Solutions’ and YOU might be facing. Just ask Chris.

Shakkeel - Creative Technologist

Motor bike addict, Taxi Driver fan & multidisciplinary designer. Shak is performing at the nexus of beauty and computer science to give life to your brand. Shak's goal in life is to design a world that's thoughtful, considered and aesthetically pleasing.

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--- 20+ Years Experience --- 


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